Thursday, July 18, 2002

Sebanyak 26 TKI dari Sabah Alami Gangguan Jiwa Samarinda

Kompas Cyber Media
Kamis, 18 Juli 2002, 20:48 WIB

Banyak tenaga kerja asal Indonesia (TKI) yang dideportasi oleh Pemerintah Negara Bagian Sabah (Malaysia) melalui Kabupaten Nunukan (Kalimantan Timur) mengalami stres berat yang membuat mereka mengalami gangguan kejiwaan.

Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kaltim, dr Ridwan Masrun di Samarinda, Kamis, mengatakan, berdasarkan data terakhir yang diperolehnya dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja, TKI yang dideportasi dan mengalami gangguan jiwa dan kini berkeliaran di Kota Nunukan sebanyak 26 orang.

Dijelaskan juga, selain mengalami gangguan jiwa, ada lima TKI yang menderita cacat fisik atau lumpuh, dan karena tidak ada yang mengaku bertanggungjawab, maka mereka akhirnya dirawat di Puskesmas Nunukan.

Dijelaskan, jika TKI yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan itu dibiarkan berkeliaran di Nunukan, akan mengganggu ketertiban
umum, kerawanan sosial dan mengganggu keindahan kota, selain menambah beban Pemerintah Kabupaten Nunukan.

"Belum lagi jika di antara para TKI itu membawa penyakit menular dari Malaysia, yang jika dibiarkan akan menulari masyarakat Nunukan," kata Ridwan Masrun.

Ia menjelaskan bahwa Kota Nunukan, salah satu kabupaten dibelahan utara Kaltim yang berbatasan langsung dengan Sabah, selama ini menjadi tempat transit ribuan TKI asal Indonesia yang bermaksud mencari peruntungan ke Sabah.

Melihat kenyataan tersebut, katanya, Dians Kesehatan Kaltim mengharapkan pemerintah pusat, pemerintah provinsi dan Pemkab Nunukan menyiapkan dana khusus untuk menangani para TKI yang terganggu jiwanya dan selama ini berkeliaran di Nunukan.

"Jika perlu dibentuk tim khusus untuk menangani mereka dan membangun penampungan untuk rehabilitasi jiwa para TKI yang terganggu, bekerjasama dengan Rumah Sakit Jiwa (RSJ) Samarinda," katanya.

Sekitar 500 orang/bulan

Dikemukakan, berdasarkan data dari Balai Antar-Kerja Antar-Negara (Balai AKAN), setiap bulannya TKI yang masuk ke Malaysia melalui Kabupaten Nunukan, baik yang legal maupun ilegal, sekitar 400-500 orang.

TKI tersebut paling banyak berasal dari Sulawesi Selatan, Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Empat provinsi lain penyumbang TKI ke Malaysia melalui Nunukan adalah Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Bali.

Wakil Bupati Nunukan, Kasmir Foret di Nunukan sebelumnya menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya mengalami kesulitan untuk
menangani TKI yang kemudian menjadi tidak waras tersebut, apalagi berkeliaran di Kota Nunukan.

"Nunukan adalah kabupaten baru yang baru berusia kurang dari dua tahun, tentu saja kami kesulitan menanganinya karena
Nunukan tidak punya rumah sakit jiwa," katanya.Ia menjelaskan bahwa puluhan orang tidak waras tersebut diduga
mendapat tekanan luar biasa saat menjadi TKI ilegal di Malaysia, sehingga menjadi gila.

"Menurut penuturan TKI ilegal yang pernah ditangkap, mereka mendapat penyiksaan saat di penjara, juga ada yang mengalami depresi berat, karena setelah puluhan tahun mengumpulkan harta, mereka tiba-tiba ditangkap saat mengurus izin TKI, dan hartanya dikuras," kata Kasmir Foret.

Dikemukakan, ia pernah menerima pengaduan dari keluarga TKI yang kebetulan gila. Para TKI itu, katanya, hanya berbekal baju di badan saat dideportasi dari Sabah ke Nunukan, karena harta mereka telah dirampas di Malaysia.

Persoalan itu, menurut Wakil Bupati Nunukan, diakui cukup sulit ditangani, apalagi jumlah TKI ilegal di daerah Sabah dan Serawak jumlahnya mencapai ratusan ribu jiwa.

"Upaya kita untuk mengatasi hal itu terbatas dengan mengingatkan warga, supaya kalau mereka menjadi TKI harus
mengurus izin resmi lebih dahulu, karena kalau menjadi pendatang haram, mereka akan diperlakukan seenaknya oleh majikan dan aparat kepolisian Malausia," kata Kasmir.(Ant/jy) Kamis, 01 Agustus 2002, 13:24 WIB

TKI Bermasalah Mulai Ditangkap di Sabah Nunukan, Kamis Aparat kepolisian Kerajaan Malaysia mulai melakukan razia dan menangkapi para tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang masih berada di Kota Kinabalu dan Tawau di Negara Bagian Sabah (Malaysia Timur) pada hari pertama berlakunya Undang-Undang (UU) Keimigrasian Malaysia yang baru hari ini.

Menurut Konsul Jenderal RI di Tawau, Makdum Taher, seperti yang dikemukakan Kepala Administrasi Pelabuhan (Adpel)
Nunukan, Simanjuntak SH kepada Antara di Nunukan, Kamis (1/8), Kepolisian Negara Bagian Sabah melakukan razia dan penangkapan TKI atas perintah Ketua Dewan Menteri Negara Bagian Sabah, Chong Kha Kiat.

"Polisi melakukan razia dan penangkapan terhadap TKI bermasalah dan yang tidak memiliki dokumen resmi yang ada di
Sabah karena mengaanggap bahwa UU Keimigrasian Malaysia yang baru telah berlaku pada 1 Agutsus 2002 pada pukul 00.00 waktu setempat," papar Simanjuntak mengutip perkataan Makdum Taher.

Dijelaskan, razia dan penangkapan dilakukan sejak Kamis dinihari, terutama di daerah Talukit dan kawasan sekitar Gunung Kinabalu. "Jadi pernyataan Kantor Imigrasi Malaysia sebelumnya yang memberikan kesempatan kepada warga Indonesia di Malaysia yang masih belum bisa pergi ke Nunukan akibat terbatasnya angkutan, hingga 9 Agustus mendatang, ternyata tidak benar, terbukti TKI bermasalah kini ditangkapi," ujarnya.Simanjuntak mengemukakan, berdasarkan informasi yang
diperoleh dari Konjen RI di Tawau dan sumber lain, bus-bus yang mengangkut para TKI bermasalah dari Kota Kinabalu (Ibu Kota Negara Bagian Sabah) menuju ke Pelabuhan Tawau (untuk selanjutnya akan menyeberang ke Indonesia/Nunukan), telah dicegat dan beberapa TKI ditangkapi.

Polisi Malaysia juga dilaporkan mengejar-ngejar TKI yang bermasalah yang belum memiliki surat izin dan surat bukti pulang
yang dikeluarkan Konjen RI di Kinabalu atau Kantor Perwakilan RI lainnya di Negara Bagian Sabah.

Menurut Makdum Taher, akibat adanya razia dan penangkapan terhadap TKI itu, bus-bus dari Kota Kinabalu ke Tawau sedikit terhambat, padahal menurutnya di Kota Kinabalu masih antre lebih dari 100.000 TKI yang akan pulang ke Indonesia melalui jalur Tawau (Sabah) dan Kabupaten Nunukan (Kalimantan Timur).

Sementara itu, tambah Simanjuntak, di Pelabuhan Tawau (Sabah) hari ini sekitar 1.500 TKI siap diberangkatkan ke Nunukan, ditambah sekitar 1.000 TKI lain yang saat ini sedang dalam perjalanan dari Kota Kinabalu menuju Pelabuhan Tawau dengan menggunakan 18 bus. "Kemungkinan hari Kamis ini, sejak pagi hingga Kamis malam, jumlah TKI di Nunukan akan bertambah sekitar 2.500 hingga 3.000 orang," ucapnya.Sejak Maret lalu, Kota Nunukan telah dipadati lebih dari 70.000 TKI. Para TKI itu sebagian sedang menunggu angkutan untuk pulang ke daerah masing-masing dan sebagian lain sedang mengurus paspor sebagai bekal mereka kembali bekerja di Malaysia. (Ant/ima)

Thursday, June 27, 2002

No illegal logging in Benta Wawasan concession, says Chong Kah Kiat

Utusan Malaysia

KOTA KINABALU June 26 - Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Chong Kah Kiat said today that there are no illegal logging activities in the Benta Wawasan Sdn Bhd timber concession area in Luasong, Tawau.

Speaking to reporters after chairing the state cabinet meeting here, Chong said that an offence had not been committed in the area, where the concession holders were allowed to log and the government was not deprived of royalty as alleged.

He was asked to comment on the report submitted to him by the Forestry Department and State Attorney-General's Office on alleged illegal logging activities in the concession area.

It was previously reported that the Special Unit in the State Security Division has intercepted more than 1,000 logs in the concession area over alleged contravention of the Sabah Forestry Enactment.

One of the operators in the concession area, reportedly aligned to a prominent Sabah politician, allegedly attempted to stop the authority from taking action as well as trying to evade payment of timber royalty that may affect the state's revenue.

Chong has also stated earlier that the name of the prominent Sabah politician allegedly linked to the logging contractors as reported, was not mentioned in the report.

At the same event, Chong also said that he had received letters from Singapore International Foundation (SIF) executive director Dr Tan Chi Chiu and Wildlife Reserves Singapore chief executive officer Bernard Harrison expressing regret over what were uttered by Tan Kit Sun, conservation curator of the Singapore Zoological Gardens, on June 17, this year.

Tan, who headed a SIF-supported youth expedition team was in Sabah to work together with SOS Rhino Sabah and the Sabah Wildlife and Forestry Department to conduct a survey on the endangered Sumatran Rhino.

He has told reporters that the team discovered traces of logging trails, a bulldozer and some round logs that were felled earlier in the Tabin Wildlife Reserve which suggested that illegal logging activities and poaching could have taken place in the area.

Dr Tan said: "Our view is that he (Tan) should not have made those statements in the press. It was inappropriate, insensitive, unhelpful and has caused embarrassment to the partner organisations as well as the Government of Sabah."

Dr Tan said that Tan's statements were made entirely in his personal capacity and the conservation curator does not represent the views of the SIF.

Saturday, June 22, 2002

Illegal Loggers Alerted by Report

By Ruben Sario
June 22nd, 2002
From the Star

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is not happy about the way a group of Singaporeans had raised the issue of illegal logging at the Tabin Wildlife Reserve, near here.

"How do they expect us to nab the illegal loggers if they leak it (the matter) out to everyone?" asked Chief Minister Datuk Chong Kah Kiat.

If the Singaporeans, who included the island republic's Zoological Gardens curator Tan Kit Sun, were serious about wanting to stop the illegal logging at Tabin, they should have reported the matter quietly to the state Forestry Department rather than talking about it in their media, he said.

On Monday, Tan had reportedly said that the Singaporeans had spotted felled trees, tractors and tracks made by heavy machinery during a 10-day stay in the wildlife reserve.

Noting that the wildlife reserve was surrounded by oil palm plantations, he said there were many approaches for loggers to enter the area.

Tan reportedly said they were involved in a research project, supposedly being carried out jointly by the SOS Rhino, the Singapore Zoo and the Sabah Wildlife Department to determine the actual number of Sumatran rhinos in the state.

He had reportedly said that it was estimated that there were 50 rhinos at Taman Negara in the peninsula, about 80 in Sumatra and some 30 in Sabah, adding that the Sumatran rhino was a critically endangered species which could end up extinct in the next decade.

"What they have done is only to alert the illegal loggers who would have fled by now," said Chong of the Singaporeans' report.

"So it appears that they (the Singaporeans) are not genuine and were going for cheap publicity," Chong told reporters upon his return here yesterday after attending the opening of the Umno general assembly in Kuala Lumpur.

Chong said reports about the illegal logging at the 120,000ha wildlife reserve were "nothing new'' as the Forestry Department was already carrying out investigations into the matter.

Friday, June 14, 2002

Benta Wawasan Logs - What Happen Now?

We are very pleased to learn from Daily Express dated 7th June 2002 that the Special Unit in the State Security Division has intercepted more than 1,000 logs inside the Benta Wawasan timber concession area in Luasong, Tawau, on suspicion of contravening the Sabah Forestry Enactment recently.

The Special Unit has been set up under the preview of Chief Minister's Department to help the Forestry Department in tackling the rampant illegal logging activities described by Chief Minister Datuk Chong Kah Kiat as among "the three sins that need to be eliminated."

We would also like to congratulate Daily Express for highlighting such news proving once again, that Daily Express has acted without fear or favour.

The Chief Minister has kept his promise to eliminate the three sins. The on going Ops Nyiah II has been very successful and received overwhelmed support from all walks of life both in the state as well as at national level.

Having taken such stern actions against illegal immigrants, we certainly hope that similar actions will be taken against illegal loggers in the state. To act without fear or favour is very much needed and awaited against arrogant illegal loggers not only to safeguard the rights of the people but also to preserve the environment and the natural rainforests of our beloved Sabah, Land Below The Wind.

In fact, timber firms through out the country have urged the government, both state and federal to do more to curb illegal logging, which has flooded the timber market with cheap logs and sent many companies into bankruptcy. The rights and interests of these genuine timber companies must be protected.

However, as reported in the local dailies, “It was very reliably learnt that one of the contractors involved is aligned to a "top Sabah politician" and attempts have been made to stop the authority concerned from taking action against them”. These contractors not only challenged the law but also going round using the names of top politicians in the state for their own selfish gains and interests.

Such allegations have badly tarnished the image of Sabah political leaders including the Chief Minister himself. With the foreign news eyeing at us and trying to find faults with us at every opportunity available, such piece of news is certainly damaging, but unavoidable. The confidence of the people in Sabah is also being eroded.

Law abiding timber companies are also subjected to public scrutiny since no names have been mentioned. The Chief Minister was right in asking for names of those involved, the contractors as well as the “top Sabah politician”, if it was true. The genuine leaders and followers alike, who always have the interests of the people in their priority, must not be dragged into such ugly acts. Justice must be given to them and their rights must be protected at all times.

We therefore, call on the state government to make public all reports on the investigation. The good image of the Barisan Nasional leaders must be preserved. The culprits must be brought to court and charge accordingly. We do not want to see history repeats itself where cases involving big names are swept under the carpet. We even hope that the Chief Minister will boldly remove his carpet to show transparency.

Even though illegal logging involves bigger names and stronger influence compared to illegal immigrants but there must not be selective action or selective justice when protecting the rights of the people and the state is concerned. Our Chief Minister must prove to the people of Sabah, whom he has vowed to serve, that no stone is left unturned in the process of fighting against illegal logging. The similar momentum for Ops Nyiah II must be continued.

With the Chief Minister’s good track of record thus far, We are very confident that the people of Sabah will stand firm behind the State Government in its efforts to combat all form of illegalities and irregularities. The people are eagerly waiting to witness another episode of long awaited action from the state government against illegal logging.

One week has passed since the news was reported. The people are all waiting.

Sunday, June 09, 2002

Sabah govt hopes to get illegal logging report next week

Utusan Malaysia

KOTA KINABALU June 8 - The Sabah government expects a full report from the Forestry Department on the seizure of more than 1,000 logs inside the Benta Wawasan timber concession area in Luasong, Tawau.

The logs were seized by the Special Unit in the State Security Division set up under the purview of the Chief Minister on suspicion of contravening the Sabah Forestry Enactment.

"I'm waiting for the report. I hope to get the report by next week," Chief Minister Datuk Chong Kah Kiat told reporters after opening the eighth global Nanyang University Alumni reunion here today.

Chong said that he wants to have the report as soon as possible because the issue had been played up publicly.

A local newspaper reported that a team of the Special Unit got into action after receiving a tip-off during last week's long holiday that three timber companies assigned to log the area were suspected to be involved in illegal logging activities, like cutting down trees below the permitted girth of measurement.

Benta Wawasan is one of the companies of Sabah Foundation's investment arm, involved in logging activities within a more than 200,000-ha concession area earmarked for a joint-venture pulp and paper project between the state government and a China-based company.

When asked on the type of action to be taken against the offenders, Chong said that it would be all sorts of action including cancelling the logging permit, imposing compounds as well prosecution.

The news report also said that one of the contractors involved was aligned to a prominent Sabahan politician and attempts have been made to stop the authority concerned from taking action against them.

However, Chong said: "I want names ... I don't want speculation, I don't want innuendos."

Asked whether there will be any compromise in respect of the offenders, Chong said: "I have been doing this for the last 12 months ... I've been hitting everybody."

Chong previously vowed to clean "three sins" - illegal logging, illegal immigrants and fish bombings - in Sabah.

Saturday, June 08, 2002

1,000 Benta Wawasan logs seized

Kota Kinabalu: The Special Unit in the State Security Division has intercepted more than 1,000 logs inside the Benta Wawasan timber concession area in Luasong, Tawau, on suspicion of contravening the Sabah Forestry Enactment.

It was very reliably learnt that one of the contractors involved is aligned to a "top Sabah politician" and attempts have been made to stop the authority concerned from taking action against them.

Benta Wawasan is one of Yayasan Sabah's investment arms involved in logging activities within an area of more than 200,000 hectares earmarked for a joint venture pulp paper project between the State Government and a China-based company.

Under specific arrangements, Benta Wawasan has appointed several timber companies to carry out tree felling activities in the proposed area, which later raised a controversy due to the absence of a compulsory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

It was understood that a team from the Special Unit swung into action during last week's long holiday break following a tip-off that three timber companies assigned to log the area had been suspected of indulging in illegal activities.

Sources claimed that some 300 logs were said to have been felled below the permitted girth measurement and, at the same time, the company concerned had even attempted to evade payment of timber royalty that would have affected State revenue.

It was also learnt that all the seized logs were being strictly guarded by personnel from the Special Unit pending investigations.

The Special Unit has been set up under the preview of Chief Minister's Department to help the Forestry Department in tackling the rampant illegal logging activities described by Chief Minister Datuk Chong Kah Kiat as among "the three sins that need to be eliminated."

Chong recently announced the acquisition of the services of a former senior police officer to help strengthen the Special Units of the State Security Division.


A full report on Benta illegal logging awaited

Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Government expects a full report from the Forestry Department on the seizure of more than 1,000 logs inside the Benta Wawasan timber concession area in Luasong, Tawau.

The logs were seized by the Special Unit in the State Security Division set up under the purview of the Chief Minister on suspicion of contravening the Sabah Forestry Enactment.

"I'm waiting for the report. I hope to get the report by next week," Chief Minister Datuk Chong Kah Kiat told reporters after opening the eighth global Nanyang University Alumni reunion here Saturday.

Chong said he wants to have the report as soon as possible because the issue had been played up publicly.

A local newspaper reported that a team of the Special Unit got into action after receiving a tip-off during last week's long holiday that three timber companies assigned to log the area were suspected to be involved in illegal logging activities, like cutting down trees below the permitted girth of measurement.

Benta Wawasan is one of the companies of Sabah Foundation's investment arm, involved in logging activities within a more than 200,000-ha concession area earmarked for a joint-venture pulp and paper project between the State Government and a China-based company.

The joint-venture, however, has yet to materialise and Chong had said that it might be scrapped if the Chinese company still refuses to accept Sabah's proposition in the RM4.56bil project.

When asked on the type of action to be taken against the offenders, Chong said it would be all sorts of action including cancelling the logging permit, imposing compounds as well prosecution.

The news report also said that one of the contractors involved was aligned to a prominent Sabahan politician and attempts have been made to stop the authority concerned from taking action against them.

However, Chong said: "I want names...I don't want speculation, I don't want innuendoes."

Asked whether there will be any compromise in respect of the offenders, Chong said: "I have been doing this for the last 12 months...I've been hitting everybody."

Chong previously vowed to clean "three sins" – illegal logging, illegal immigrants and fish bombings – in Sabah. – Bernama

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Kalabakan deals not by me: CM

THERE are currently 18 logging agreements signed in Kalabakan and the State Government is helpless in stopping them because these have been "signed, sealed and delivered".

What can be done is to take mitigation measures to minimise the environmental impact in the area through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), he said, while declining to comment on the identity of companies involved.

"The point is I never approved any logging in Kalabakan…not from me, not during my term," he said. "How can I stop it when it was all locked in, signed, sealed and delivered from one year to 10 years…what can I do," he said.

Chong, who is Tourism, Environment, Science and Technology Minister, said unlike the car rental and the Local Authority Presidents' Mercedez Benz rentals which were reviewed and scrapped, the State Government's hands are tied in the Kalabakan issue.

"The logging activities are still going on there and it was logged even before I returned to Sabah after serving the Federal Government. I have to make sure that whatever environment measures need to be taken are taken," he said, adding that the question should not be posed to him.

Chong said the stress on the environment was already there, but the mitigation through the EIA has helped, coupled with the strictness of the Department of Environment and Forestry Department's handling of the matter.

He also revealed that the areas being logged now include some 150,000 hectares or more adjacent to the 220,000ha earmarked for the pulp mill in Kalabakan with Chinese investors.

Chong acknowledged that a portion of the land designated for the proposed pulp mill had been logged as well, leaving only 82,000ha not touched as yet.

"I have not approved an inch in the 82,000 ha," he stressed.

The rest of the areas were logged well before his time and the area is not a virgin forest but secondary as it had been logged several times over.

Former Chief Minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee said last week that the logging was on-going despite the possibility of the proposed RM4.56bil joint-venture pulp mill project being scrapped.

Yong had proposed that the State Government consider strict suspension of all logging activities in Kalabakan because of the damage to the environment especially in view of the proximity to the protected Maliau Basin (Lost World) and Danum Valley.

Monday, March 11, 2002

Siasat Nahas Sepanjang Apas - Lapangan Terbang Tawau

Utusan Malaysia

Pada 15 September 1995, sebuah pesawat MH2133 jenis Fokker 50 kepunyaan Malaysia Airlines telah terhempas di lapangan terbang Tawau, Sabah mengorbankan 34 orang daripada 53 orang penumpang termasuk anak kapal. Nahas kapal terbang yang paling dahsyat dalam sejarah penerbangan Malaysia ini telah membuka mata semua pihak tentang perlunya sebuah lapangan terbang yang lebih panjang landasannya. Maka, 6 tahun selepas nahas Fokker 50, Lapangan Terbang Tawau yang baru yang menelan belanja RM228.34 juta telah beroperasi pada 1hb. Disember 2001.

Permintaan untuk pembinaan Lapangan Terbang Tawau yang baru telah disuarakan oleh penduduk Tawau lama sebelum nahas ini berlaku. Akan tetapi permintaan tersebut tidak diberikan perhatian yang serius. Oleh itu, apabila berlakunya satu tragedi ngeri yang mengorbankan 34 orang barulah cadangan ini diterima. Mahu tidak mahu kita terpaksa menerima hakikat budaya kita yang hanya akan mengambil sesuatu tindakan drastik setelah suatu tragedi berlaku. Kita cukup masak dengan pelbagai tragedi yang melanda negara ini sebelum sesuatu keputusan diambil sedangkan kita semua maklum bahawa pencegahan jauh lebih mujarab daripada pengubatan.

Mimpi ngeri penduduk Tawau belum lagi reda dengan Lapangan Terbang Tawau yang baru ini. Dengan beroperasinya lapangan terbang Tawau yang baru, babak hitam nahas F50 telah dilupakan orang. Akan tetapi, penduduk Tawau kini dihantui pula oleh kebimbangan baru.

Bagi menampung peningkatan lalulintas dari Bandar Tawau ke Lapangan Terbang Tawau yang baru sejauh 30KM, sebuah lebuhraya ‘double-carriage’ sedang dalam pembinaan. Lebuhraya yang menelan belanja RM88.2 juta ini dijangka akan mengatasi masalah kesesakan lalulintas di sepanjang Jalan Apas, jalan yang menghubungkan Tawau dengan Lapanagan terbang baru. Ia juga akan mengurangkan masa yang diambil dari Tawau ke Lapangan Terbang Tawau baru.

Apa yang menjadi kebimbangan rakyat Tawau ialah kerja pembinaan lebuhraya yang bermutu rendah serta pihak kontraktor yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Contohnya, tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah pembinaan jalanraya yang memperlihatkan jalan yang baru sahaja dibina dikorek dan ditampal berkali-kali. Kerja-kerja mengorek dan menampal yang terbelengkalai telah menyebabkan banyak kemalangan jalanraya dan meragut banyak nyawa.

Isyarat dan tanda jalan juga mengelirukan dan tidak diletakkan di tempat yang sesuai. Banyak jalan yang diletakkan betul-betul di hadapan sesuatu simpang tanpa memberikan masa yang cukup kepada pemandu mengetahui keadaan jalan di hadapan.

Ketua Polis Tawau sendirian mengakui kekeliruan isyarat jalan merupakan salah satu punca utama berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya seperti yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar Sea Hua Daily News pada 4hb. Februari 2002. Bayangkan kereta polis sendiri terlibat dalam kemalangan jalanraya disebabkan oleh kekeliruan tanda jalan.

Selain daripada itu, “lori hantu” atau “off-road” kepunyaan kontraktor juga dibiarkan berkeliaran dan menggunakan jalan raya yang sepatutnya dikhaskan untuk pengguna jalan raya. Pergerakan kenderaan pada kedua-dua belah lebuhraya tambah mengelirukan para pengguna jalan sedangkan hanya sebelah jalan sahaja dibuka kepada orang awam. Tanda jalan yang mengelirukan telah menyebabkan lalulintas sepanjang jalan ini tidak terkawal.

Kelalaian, kecuaian, kualiti kerja yang rendah serta sikap tidak bertanggungjawab kontraktor telah menyebabkan tidak kurang daripada 30 nyawa terkorban semenjak pembinaannya. Walaupun angka mangsa jalan raya dikumpul daripada kemalangan yang berlainan tetapi angka yang tinggi ini sudah cukup untuk menarik perhatian pihak berkuasa untuk mengambil tindakan yang segera agar tidak ada lagi mangsa baru terkorban.

Suatu perkara yang amat menyedihkan ialah semasa kunjungan Menteri Pengangkutan, Dato’ Seri Dr. Ling Liong Sik ke Tawau baru-baru ini, kemalangan di sepanjang lebuhraya ini langsung tidak dibangkitkan. Lebih menghairankan ialah kegagalan Menteri Pengangkutan sendiri memerhati mutu jalan serta isyarat jalan yang mengelirukan. Adakah kerana lawatan menteri semata-mata untuk mencari tapak sesuai mendirikan kampus cawangan Universiti TAR maka perhatian beliau tidak ditumpu kepada jalanraya yang sepatutnya menjadi urusan utama beliau walau di mana beliau berada?

Adalah satu rahsia yang diketahui umum bahawa projek pembinaan lebuhraya ini telah dialibabakan. Kontraktor yang ditawarkan kontrek langsung tidak mempunyai sebarang pengalaman dan kelengkapan. Sub-kontraktor hanya melekatkan label syarikat kontraktor utama bagi mengabui mata awam. Rata-rata juga mengetahui bahawa salah seorang pengarah dalam syarikat kontraktor utama mempunyai hubungan politik dengan menteri pengangkutan. Adakah dengan hubungan dan pengaruh tertentu maka keselamatan rakyat serta kualiti kerja boleh diabaikan?

Kami dengan ini meminta kerajaan menjalankan penyiasatan segera terhadap mutu kerja yang rendah dan sikap kontraktor yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Jika perlu, pihak Pencegah Rasuah juga perlu menyiasat hal ini. Janganlah kita menunggu tragedi baru berlaku untuk kita bertindak. Kita sendiri atau orang kesayangan kita mungkin menjadi mangsa kelewatan tindakan kita.

Kempen keselamtan jalanraya akan menjadi sia-sia jika penyelewengan pembinaan jalanraya dari awal lagi tidak diendahkan oleh mana-mana pihak yang berkuasa.

Mishap Along Jalan Apas Tawau


As reported in the local dailies recently, the stretch of new highway linking Tawau and the New Airport has claimed 16 lives, so far. We are all sadden by this shocking news.

We strongly feel that if precautions were taken these lives could have been saved. Nevertheless, even after the shocking news been highlighted in the news papers, no immediate actions were taken both by the contractor nor the authorities concerned.
Observations on the stretch of road shows that there were no proper nor sufficient warnings to direct traffic. Temporary road signs put up were gone within a short while. Other road signs have been misleading and this further aggravated the already bad situation.

It is the responsibilities of the contractor to ensure that road open to public vehicle is safe to travel. Therefore, the road must always be maintained irrespective of whether it is still under construction or not. The safety of the public must not be compromised just because the road is still under construction.

The contractor and the authorities concerned must also ensure that road open to public vehicle is safe. Since this is a 4-lane highway, one must ensure that at least one side of the road is safe to be opened to public before working on the other side. By opening an unsafe side of road while working on the other is certainly uncalled for. The excuses of rushing for dateline is totally unacceptable.

Off-road heavy vehicle was also found to roam the stretch of roads open to public. This further endanger the safety of road users. The authorities must ensure that the said contractor adhere strictly to rules and regulations and must keep all this off road vehicle away from the general public at all times.

We are also disappointed that the contractors and the authorities concern do not consider at all the pleads of the people living on both side of the highway. Certain stretch of road at mile 8 and 8 ½ was piled up even higher which is unnecessary. At the same time, by lifting the road near Kinabutan has badly affected the people living around there especially the business community. They are now facing and uncertain future and the way the highway is constructed has badly affected their business.

Residents here have complained that there were insufficient u-turns along mile 4 – 6. As there are four schools, namely SMK Jalan Apas, SK Batu Empat, SMK Kinabutan and SRJK (C) Chung Hwa situated along this stretch of road, the inadequate u-turn will create massive traffic jam during peak hours in the morning, noon and evening. The heavy traffic coming from Tinagat will add up to the jam. Such will surely defeat the purpose of the highway which among other things to provide a smooth, safe and fast travelling from Tawau to the New Airport.

We are in no way objecting to the construction of highway nor do we anti development. But we strongly feel that contractor and the authorities concerned must be more caring and willing to listen to the plead of the people. There is no way rushing for the highway but scarify many innocent lives. So far the new highway has already claim 16 lives. I thus ask the contractor and the authorities concerned what are they gong to do to these 16 innocent lives who are victims of carelessness and irresponsibility?

I hope the people of Tawau realise how serious this matter is and must stand up to object to such ‘tidak apa’ attitude. Please do not wait for more catastrophes to happen. Please do not wait for more lives to be taken before we do something. We, or our love ones are all users of the highway. I hope the police will investigate these cases thoroughly and appropriate actions be taken against those responsible. Safety of the public must always be the utmost priority.
We also urge the general public using the new highway to drive carefully.