Thursday, November 20, 2003

Muzimei in Sabah!!!

Shenzhen Daily on November 18, 2003 reported the following:

More than 160,000 netizens had logged on to to read a woman journalist's online sex diaries by last Tuesday and the number grew by 6,000 daily, Monday's Yangcheng Evening News reported.

"I record my life faithfully, despite disturbances and men's repulsion," 25-year-old Li Li wrote in her diary Monday. The links to her diary have been shut down twice after thousands of netizens insulted her on the Net.

A columnist with the Guangzhou-based City Pictorial magazine, Li began publishing her online diaries under the pen name Muzimei on June 19. The diaries revealed the details of her one-night stands with different men. She did not become a hot click until she disclosed in August her affair with Wang Lei, one of the most popular rock-and-roll singers in South China who also has a bar in Guangzhou.

Some 87 percent of subjects thought she was exposing her privacy to become well-known, as revealed by a survey on Netease. Some people, however, said she had the right to choose her own lifestyle and her existence was proof that Chinese society became more tolerant. Most people criticized her as irresponsible, possibly harming children and the men involved with her.

Excerpts of Muzimei’s encounter with Wang Lei

“从你家回我家也一样。” 唠叨了一阵,我说王磊,不如就地解决吧,做爱这么简单的事。
1999年,我还听王磊的《一切从爱情开始》,崇 拜得不得了。

Muzimei might, to certain people, set a bad example to others. But we should also question those who have done far worse than her but do not have their stories published. Just because their stories do not make it to the front page of the papers doesn't mean these people are right. Some paid to cover their ugly sides from being exposed.

Muzimei can't clap without another hand from the men who was thinking of free lunch. Egoistic men, blame yourself first before condemning Muzimei.

Muzimei's story should send a strong signal to all the rich and famous, ministers, YBs, politicians and Datuks (both genuine and commercial), BEWARE! There might be a similar Muzimei in Sabah to record all her sexual encounters with these people. Not only vivid details would be revealed. Photographs taken might be posted as well.

If you do not want the world to know, behave fast before it is too late.

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